Monday, November 15, 2010


So I've noticed things tend to go in spirals. Spiralling towards infinite light, creativity, happiness, or spiralling towards dark depths, dooooom, each action, each thought contributing to the next. And right now i'm on a sprial of what the hey is going on! haha confuzled spiral or blobby woooblyness and hmm yep i quite like it!  Set sails to improbability, open imaginations wings and let anything happen which may want to. Sleep dep always helful for shaking up the current, the grind of life.. haha all just big coffee beans we are, waiting to share our energy with the eager.
Today I'm giving in to how my energy levels want me to be... no plans, no responsibilities but to be ever present, laugh, cry and truthfully find my way to how to express my journey.. yep hmm whats next?

I saw a presentation on visionary culture last night, and a one of the ladies.. (i'll find out who she is soon and post a link to her mind!!) Spoke of finding the inspiration to let your being sing, and sustain that song.. whether it be one thing, one role model, image, idea, dream.. or many things.. we must find the things that give us passion, energy, smiles, songs and let the music sink in and absorb until each cell is singing. And this is the pathway to our new world... taking imagination, inspiration and freedom which we can feel at an music, art, dance, or educational event and let that flow into our lifes design.. and then the worlds design.. so next step, concious goals, plans and pathways! go world! go all you beautiful weirdos out there, you are so believed in and loved :) <3

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The beginning has Begun!

The blog begins!!!
Finally I have the space/time to share thoughts, poems, dreams and silliness! Random ramblings thrown into the virtual world, to be recieved by aliens, digital buggies and perhaps if by some drunken mishap message.. my friends!
I have been writing poetry for some time now, and even though I still haven't worked up the courage to go to an open mike with it, I thought this would be a good step in the direction of dreamsharing, and inspiring others and myself to keep the creation going, in whatever medium your yummy imagination comes through to!

I love you all! (yes little buggies and critters especially)
Thank you for adding your grace and light
to my little nook in this ethereal real,

~* Blessings to all,
 The dream is real